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Analytical Services and Assays


Qualifying and quantifying exposure to hazardous substances is key to improving health within the work environment. Analysis enables us to determine that a hazard is present and allows us to test the effectiveness of control measures.  Such evaluation is an integral part of Health Risk Management and Worker Protection.

HSE Science and Research Centre provides a comprehensive analytical laboratory service to large and small organisations. Our experts interpret the results into meaningful data, which enables you to recognise and act on the hazards in your situation.

Many of our experts are recognised as international authorities in their field. Through active participation in method development, collaborative studies and standards committees, We stand at the forefront of measurement science in the workplace. This ensures our service to you is relevant to today's occupational health and safety challenges.

Our quality system is accredited to ISO9001 and a number of our assays are UKAS (ISO17025) accredited. Our analytical capabilities are underpinned by an extensive research programme that ensures continuous improvement to our services.

HSE Science Division's Terms and conditions and complaints procedure are available upon request. Please contact Darren Musgrove.

Our analytical services cover a wide range of chemicals and sample types:

You can find details of our analytical and testing services in our Testing and Monitoring brochure; other assays and services may be available on request.

For further details or to request an assay, please email

Contact us

To discuss our analytical services in general, please contact our Scientific Support Team on +44(0)203 028 3383 or

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