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Publications 2012

Journal Papers

ASHLEY, K., SHULMAN, S.A., BRISSONB, M.J. and HOWE, A.M. Interlaboratory evaluation of trace element determination in workplace air filter samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Feb 2012, 14(2), 360-367

BARBER, C., BURTON, C.M., SCAIFE, H., CROOK, B., and EVANS, G.S. Systematic Review of Respiratory Case Definitions in Metalworking Fluid Outbreaks. Occupational Medicine, July 2012, 62(5), 337-342. (Open access)

BARBER, C. M. and FISHWICK, D. Correspondence: Importance of past occupational exposures in the rising incidence of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the UK. Thorax , 2012, 67, 264 http://dx.doi/org/10.1136/thoraxjnl-2011-200836

BARTELS, M., LOIZOU, G., PRICE, P., RICK, D., SPENDIFF, M., ARNOLD, S., COCKER, J., and BALL, N. Development of PK- and PBPK-Based Modeling Tools for Derivation of Biomonitoring Guidance Values Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Nov. 2012, 108(2), 773-778.

BELL, N., VAUGHAN, N., MORRIS, L., and GRIFFIN, P. An assessment of workplace programmes designed to control inhalation risks using respiratory protective equipment. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2012, 56, 350-361 (Open access)

BEVAN, R., ANGERER, J., COCKER, J., JONES, K., KOCH, H. M., LEVY, L., SEPAI, O., SCHOETERS, G., and SMOLDERS, R. Framework for the development and application of environmental biological monitoring guidance values. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2012, 63, 453-460

BEVAN, R., YOUNG, C., HOLMES, P., FORTUNATO, L., SLACK, R., RUSHTON, L., and BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN The burden of occupational cancer in Britain: gastrointestinal cancers: liver, oesophagus, pancreas and stomach. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107, S33-S40 (Open access)

BRAMMER, A.J. and PITTS, P. Frequency Weighting for Vibration-Induced White Finger Compatible With Exposure-Response Models Industrial Health, Sept. 2012, 50(5), 397-411. (Open access)

BRAMMER, A.J. and PITTS, P. Editorial: Hand-Arm Vibration Risk. Industrial Health, Sept. 2012, 50(5), 341 (Open access)

BROOKMAN, B., BULSKA, E., BUTLER, O., KOCH, M., NOBLETT, T., VAN PUTTEN, K., and ROBOUCH, P. Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine: Working Discussions on Current Practice and Future Directions. Accreditation and Quality Assurance, Aug. 2012, 17(4), 445-451. 10.1007/s00769-012-0910-6

BROWN, T., DARNTON, A., FORTUNATO, L., RUSHTON, L. and BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN Occupational cancer in Britain Respiratory cancer sites: larynx, lung and mesothelioma.  British Journal of Cancer, 19 Jun 2012, 107, (S1) S56-S70 (Open access)

BROWN, T; RUSHTON, L. and BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN Occupational cancer in Britain Haematopoietic malignancies: leukaemia, multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107,  S41-S48 (Open access)

BROWN, T, SLACK, R., RUSHTON, L. and BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN Occupational cancer in Britain urinary tract cancers: bladder and kidney. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107, S76-S84 (Open access)

BROWN, T., YOUNG, C., RUSHTON, L., and WITH THE BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN The Burden of occupational cancer in Britain: remaining cancer sites: Brain, None and Thyroid. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107, S85-S91 (Open access)

BURTON, C., CROOK, B., SCAIFE, H.M., EVANS, G., and BARBER, C. Systematic review of respiratory outbreaks associated with exposure to water-based metal working fluids. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, May 2012, 56(4), 374-388 (Open access)

BUTLER, O., CAIRNS, W., COOK, J., and DAVIDSON, C. Atomic spectrometry update. Environmental analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Feb 2012, 27(2), 187-221

CHEN, Y. and OSMAN, J. (2012) Occupational cancer in Britain. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107 S104-S108, (Open access)

CLAYTON, M.P., RAJAN-SITHAMPARANADARAJAH, B. and VAUGHAN, N.P. Performance studies on respiratory protective devices in the workplace - part I : variation in measures of performance. Journal of the International Society of Respiratory Protection, 2012, 29(1), 30-40

DARBY, A., WATERHOUSE, J.C., STEVENS, V., BILLINGS, C.G., BURTON, C.M., YOUNG, C., WIGHT, J., BLANC, P.D., and FISHWICK, D. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Among Residents of an Historically Industrialised Area Thorax, Oct. 2012, 67(10), 901-907.

FISHWICK, D., BARBER, C.M., BRADSHAW, L.M., HARRIS-ROBERTS, J., AYRES, J., BARRACLOUGH, R., BURGE, S., CORNE, J.M., CULLINAN, P., FRANK, T.L., HENDRICK, D., HOYLE, J., CURRAN, A.D., NIVEN, R., PICKERING, A., REID, P., ROBERTSON, A., STENDTON, C., WARBURTON, C.J., and NICHOLSON, P. Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update. Thorax, Mar 2012, 67(3). 278-280

FISHWICK, D., LUNT,J., GROSJEAN,V., TRAINOR,M., GERVAIS,R., CLEAL,B., DEMEYER,S., RENA,H., WEBER,B., MOCKAL'O,Z., ANTTONEN,H., HUSSI,T., FREUDE,G., PERSSON,R., WIEZER,N., KAUFMANN,M., BESWICK,J., CURRAN, A.D. and BLACK,C. Élaboration d'une représentation consensuelle du terme de bien-être au travail au niveau européen. Résultats d'une démarche au sein de PEROSH. Archives des Maladies Professionnelles et de l'Environnement, Jun 2012, 73(3), , Page 256

FISHWICK, D., TILL, S., and SEN, D. When the Olympics have gone? Occupational Medicine, Jul. 2012, 62(5), 322-324 (Open access)

GANT, S.E. and KELSEY, A. Accounting for the effect of concentration fluctuations on toxic load for gaseous releases of carbon dioxide. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Jan 2012, 25(1), 52-59

HARDING, A-H., DARNTON, A, and OSMAN, J. Cardiovascular disease mortality among British asbestos workers (1971-2005). Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Jun 2012, 69, 417-421 (Open access)

HARRIS-ROBERTS, J., ROBINSON, E., FISHWICK, D., FOURIE, A., REES, D., SPIES, A., CURRAN, A., SEN, D., and BARBER, C. Sensitization and symptoms associated with soybean exposure in processing plants in South Africa. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, May 2012, 55(5), 458-464

HARRIS-ROBERTS, J., TATE, P., ROBINSON, E., GRIFFIN, P., MASON, H., BARBER, C, CURRAN, A. D. and FISHWICK, D. Bespoke latex allergen testing improves assessment of respiratory symptoms in textile-braiding workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2012, 55(7), 616-623

HEMINGWAY, M.A., WALSH, P.T., HARDWICK, K.R., and  WILCOX, G. Evaluation of portable single gas monitors for the detection of low levels of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in petroleum industry environments. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, May 2012, 9(5), 319-328

HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. and BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN Occupational cancer in Britain Industry sector results. British Journal of Cancer, 107, Jun 2012, S92-S103 (Open access)

ICHARD, M., HANSEN, O.R., MIDDHA, P., and WILLOUGHBY, D. CFD Computations of Liquid Hydrogen Releases International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Nov. 2012, 37(22), 17380-17389.

KEEN, C., COLDWELL, M., MCNALLY, K., BALDWIN, P., MCALINDEN, J., and COCKER, J. A follow up study of occupational exposure to 4,4'-methylene-bis (2-chloroaniline) (MbOCA) & isocyanates in polyurethane manufacture in the UK. Toxicology Letters, Aug 2012, 213(1), 3-8

KINGSTON, J. Choosing a knowledge dissemination technique. Knowledge and Process Management, 2012, 19(3), 160-170

LISBONA, D., JOHNSON, M., MILLNER, A., MCGILLIVRAY, A., MADDISON, T., and WARDMAN, M. Analysis of a loss of containment incident dataset for major hazards intelligence using storybuilder. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Mar. 2012, 25(2), 344-363

MCNALLY, K., COTTON, R., COCKER, J., JONES, K., BARTLES, M., RICK, D., PRICE, P., and LOIZOU, G. Reconstruction of exposure to m-xylene from human biomonitoring data using PBPK modelling, Bayesian Inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation. Journal of Toxicology, 2012, Article 760281, 18 pages (Open access)

PALOMINO, M.A., BARDSLEY S., BROWN K., DE LURIO, J., ELLWOOD P., HOLLAND-SMITH, D., HUGGINS, B.,VINCENTI, A., WOODROOF, H., and OWEN, R. Web-based Horizon Scanning: Concepts and Practice, Foresight, 2012, Vol 14, Issue 5, 355-373.

PALTRINIERI, N., DECHY,N., SALZANO, E. , WARDMAN, M., and COZZANI, V. Lessons learned from Toulouse and Buncefield Disasters: from risk analysis failures to the identification of atypical scenarios through a better knowledge management system. Risk Analysis, Aug 2012, 32, 1404-1419

PETO, J., RAKE, C., GILHAM, C., DARNTON, A., HODGSON, J., and BURDETT, G. Future Mesothelioma Rates In Relation To Past And Current Asbestos Exposure Levels. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology, 2012, 7, S11

PITTS, P. and BRAMMER, A.J. Frequency Weightings for Hand-Transmitted Vibration - Results of the Ottawa Workshop Industrial Health, 2012, 50(5), 425-427. (Open access)

PITTS, P., MASON, H., POOLE, K., and YOUNG, C. Relative Performance of Frequency Weighting W-h and Candidates for Alternative Frequency Weightings for Predicting the Occurrence of Hand Transmitted Vibration-Induced Injuries Industrial Health, Sept. 2012, 50(5), 388-396. (Open access)

RIEDIKER, M., SCHUBAUER-BERIGAN, M.K., BROUWER, D., NELISSEN, I., KOPPEN, G., FRIJNS, E., CLARK, K.A., HOECK, J., LIOU, S.-H., HO, S.F., BERGAMASCHI, E., and GIBSON, R. A Road Map Toward a Globally Harmonized Approach for Occupational Health Surveillance and Epidemiology in Nanomaterial Workers Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Oct. 2012, 54(10), 1214-1223.

RUSHTON, L., HUTCHINGS, S., FORTUNATO, L., YOUNG, C., EVANS, G.S., BROWN, T., BEVAN, R., SLACK, R., HOLMES, P., SANJEEV, B., CHERRIE, J. and VAN TONGEREN, M. Occupational cancer burden in Great Britain. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107,  S3-S7 (Open access)

SAMS, C. and JONES, K. Biological monitoring for exposure to deltamethrin: a human oral dosing study and background levels in the UK general population. Toxicology Letters, 2012, 213, 35-38

SHIRVILL, L.C., ROBERTS, T.A., ROYLE, M., WILLOUGHBY, D.B., GAUTIER, T. Safety studies on high-pressure hydrogen vehicle refuelling stations: Releases into a simulated high-pressure dispensing area. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Apr 2012, 37(8), 6949-6964

SIKOUTRIS, D. E., VLACHOS, D. E., KOSTOPOULOS, V., JAGGER, S., and LEDIN, S. Fire burnthrough response of CFRP aerostructures. Numerical investigation and experimental verification. Applied Composite Materials, 2012, 19(2), 141-159

SILVERS, K.M., FRAMPTON,C.M., WICKENS, K., PATTEMORE, P.K., INGHAM, T., FISHWICK, D., CRANE, J., TOWN, I.G., EPTON, M.J., and NEW ZEALAND ASTHMA AND ALLERGY COHORT STUDY GROUP Breast-feeding protects against current asthma up to 6 years of age. The Journal of Pediatrics, Jun 2012, 160( 6), 991-996 http://dx.doi.org10.1016/j.jpeds.2011.11.055 (Open Access)

SLACK, R., YOUNG, C., RUSHTON, L., and WITH THE BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN The burden of occupational cancer in Britain: female cancers: breast, cervix and ovary. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107, S27-S32 (Open access)

SLACK, R., YOUNG, C., RUSHTON, L., and WITH THE BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN The burden of occupational cancer in Britain: nasopharynx and sinonasal cancers. British Journal of Cancer,  Jun 2012, 107, S49-S55 (Open access)

WEBBER, D.M. On Models of Spreading Pools Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Nov. 2012, 25(6), 923-926.

WHITE, J., JOHNSON, I., KEEN, C., and COLDWELL, M. MDHS 25 Revisited: Part 2, modified sampling and analytical procedures applied to HDI-based isocyanates. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, May 2012, 56(4), 466-480 (Open Access)

WINCH, G., MEUNIER, M-C., HEAD, J. and RUSS, K. Projects as the content and process of change: the case of the health and safety laboratory. International Journal of Project Management, Feb 2012, 30(2), 141-152

WYNN, T., HOWARTH, P.A., and KUNZE, B.R. Night-Time Lookout Duty: the Role of the Ambient Light Levels and Dark Adaptation Journal of Navigation, Oct. 2012, 65(4), 589-602.

YOUNG, C., RUSHTON, L, and WITH THE BRITISH OCCUPATIONAL CANCER BURDEN The burden of occupational cancer in Britain: skin cancer. British Journal of Cancer, Jun 2012, 107, S71-S75 (Open access)

Conference Papers

ATKINSON, G. Effects of Constraints on Gas Flow on the Severity of Vapour Cloud Explosions. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 453-460.

DIXON, C.M., GANT, S.E., OBIORAH, C., BILIO, M. Validation of dispersion models for high pressure carbon dioxide releases. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 November 2012, Paper 21, 153-163

GANT, S. Framework for Validation of Pipeline Release and Dispersion Models for the COOLTRANS Research Programme Journal of Pipeline Engineering, Sept. 2012, 11, 201-212. Paper presented at 3rd International Forum on Transportation of CO2 by Pipeline, Newcastle, UK, 20-21 June 2014

GANT,S., BETTIS, R., SANTON, R., BUCKLAND, I., BOWEN, P., KAY, P. Generation of flammable mists from high flashpoint fluids: literature review. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 November 2012, Paper 43, 327-338

HEALEY, N., SUGDEN, C., BINCH, S., LEKKA, C., and BOTTOMLEY, D. Developing a Benchmarking Service for HSL Safety Climate Tool. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 222-229.

HOOKER, P., WILLOUGHBY, D., HALL, J., and ROYLE, M. Experimental Releases of Liquid Hydrogen. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 496-504.

JONES, A., BATES, S., LEAH, C., RILEY, D., BOHM, J. The human factors contribution to preventing entrapment incidents involving mobile elevated work platforms. IEHF - Ergonomics & Human Factors 2012, Blackpool, 16-19 April 2012

KELSEY, A. and BATT, R. Effects of Local and General Exhaust Ventilation on Control Contaminants. Ventilation 2012: The 10th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation, Paris, France, Sept 17-19 2012

LEKKA, C. and SUGDEN, C. Working Towards High Reliability: a Qualitative Evaluation. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12 -15 Nov. 2012, 544-550.

LISBONA, D., BRIGGS, B., and WARDMAN, M. Comparative Study of Models Used in the Estimation of Risk From Flash Fire Events at Major Hazard Installations. Hazards XXIII , Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 473-480.

MYATT, S.G. The Festival Fireworks incident - hazards associated with the large-scale storage of fireworks. 13th International Symposium on Fireworks, Malta, 23-27 April 2012

PEMBERTON, A.K., THYER, A., and LEDIN, H.S. Ignition Hazards and Area Classification of Hydrocarbon Cold Vents by the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12 -15 Nov. 2012, 354-362.

POCOCK, D., SAUNDERS, C.J., BENNETT, S., and GIBSON, M. Airflow Characteristics of Small Enclosures for Controlling Asbestos-Containing Materials During Removal. Ventilation 2012, Paris, France, 17-19 Sept. 2012,

PURSELL, M.R. Experimental Investigation of High Pressure Liquid CO2 Release Behaviour. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 164-171.

RATTIGAN, W. and HOLBROW, P. Explosion Properties of Admixtures. Hazards XXII , Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 77-82.

SANTON, R., IVINGS, M., WEBBER, D., and KELSEY, A. New Methods for Hazardous Area Classification for Explosive Gas Atmospheres. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 339-346.

SAUNDERS, C.J. and BENNETT, S. Investigation of the Parameters That Influences the Effectiveness of an Open Fronted Enclosure. Ventilation 2012, Paris, France, 17-19 Sept. 2012,

SHANKS, E. and HEWITT, S. An Investigation into the Effects of Potential Changes in Concrete Properties When Aged and Weathered on Hand-Arm Vibration Emission Magnitudes. 47th UK Conference on Human Response to Vibration, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 17-19 Sept. 2012,

STACEY, N. and BOWEN, J. A community for sharing best practice and resources for teaching risk. SEE 2012 - 4th International Symposium of Engineering Education, Sheffield University, UK, 19-20 July 2012

STACEY, N. and BOWEN, J. The creation of a risk education network. EE 2012 - International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings, Coventry University, UK, 18-20 Sept 2012

STACEY, N., UNDERWOOD, N., GORDON, A., TURNER, A., SCHLEYER, G., and OKUNRIBIDO, O. Experimental learning using a computer-based virtual reconstruction of an accident investigation. EE 2012 - International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings, Coventry Universtiy, UK,  18-20 Sept 2012

SUGDEN, C., BINCH, S., HEALEY, N., BUTLER, C., and LEKKA, C. Developing a Process Safety Climate Tool: the Long and Winding Road. Hazards XXII , Southport, UK, 12-15 Nov. 2012, 538-543.

WILDAY, J., FRASER, S., BAILEY, C., STOCKS-GREAVES, M., RIDGWAY, P., and ASHCROFT, S. The Forthcoming Seveso III Directive: Alignment With GHS Classifications and Data Issues for Acute Toxicity. Hazards XXIII, Southport, UK, 12 -15 Nov. 2012, 379-386.

Published Conference Abstracts

ADISESH, A., TRAINOR, M., COCKER, J., JONES, K., PINEY, M., and SAUNDERS, C.J. Development of the Evidence Base to Inform a GB National Intervention to Reduce Exposure to Isocyanates in Motor Vehicle Repair Paint Spraying. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health, Cancun, Mexico, 18-23 March 2013

CURRAN, A. and TRAINOR, M. The Evolution of Occupational Health Risk Reduction in Great Britain. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health, Cancun, Mexico, 18-23 March 2013

CURRAN, A. and TRAINOR, M. 100 Years of Occupational Health and Safety at the Health and Safety Laboratory: Lessons for the Future. 30th International Congress on Occupational Health,Cancun, Mexico, 18-23 March 2013

Trade and Professional

DAY, N. Lock and Load. Safety and Health Practitioner, Sept. 2012, 30 (9) 51-52

RUSS, K. London 2012: Going for Gold in Safety. Glass International, 1 June 2012, 35 (6) 15-17

SUGDEN, C. and HEALEY, N. A Question of Trust. Safety and Health Practitioner, Apr. 2012, 30 (4) 38-39

TRAINOR, M. and ION, S. Enabling the New Energy Economy. Energy and Environmental Management Magazine, 2012, Spring 2012 7

YOUNG, C. Exposure to Lead HSE Statistics Webpage 2012

Book Chapters 2012

DANIELS, K., KARANIKA-MURRY, M., MELLOR, N., and VAN VELDHOVEN, M. Moving Policy and Practice Forward: Beyond Prescriptions for Job Characteristics. In: Improving Organizational Interventions For Stress and Well-Being: Addressing Process and Context, Routledge, 2012, 978-1848720565

GANT, S.E. and ATKINSON, G.T. CFD for Reconstruction of the Buncefield Incident. In: Process and Plant Safety: Applying Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012, 978-3527330270.  Chapter 18 313-330. Paper presented at: 50th Dechema Tutzing Symposium on the use of CFD for process safety applications 22-24 May 2011

MELLOR, N., KARANIKA-MURRAY, M., and WAITE, E. Taking a Multi-Faceted, Multi-Level, and Integrated Perspective for Addressing Psychosocial Issues at the Workplace. In: Improving Organizational Interventions For Stress and Well-Being: Addressing Process and Context, Routledge, 2012, 978-1848720565

TAN, E., MCNALLY, K., and WARREN, N. Statistical Analysis of Bore Cracking in AGRs. In: Modelling and measuring reactor core graphite properties and performance, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, 978-1849733908,132-139

Published Reports

ATKINSON, G., GANT, S. Buncefield investigation: liquid flow and vapour production. HSE Books, 2012. (RR936)

ATKINSON, G., GANT, S. Flammable vapour cloud risks from tank overfilling incidents. HSE Books, 2012. (RR937)

ATKINSON, G., COLDRICK, S. Vapour cloud formation - experiments and modelling. HSE Books, 2012. (RR908)

BAILEY, C., METCALF, H., CROOK, B. Synthetic biology: a review of the technology, and current and future needs from the regulatory framework in Britain. HSE Books, 2012. (RR944)

BATES, S., HOLROYD, J. Human factors that lead to non-compliance with standard operating procedures. HSE Books, 2012. (RR919)

BEERS, H., BUTLER, C. Age related changes and safety critical work. Identification of tools and review of the literature. HSE Books, 2012. (RR946)

BESWICK, A., ROBINSON, E., EVANS, G, CODLING, A. An evaluation of the efficacy of safer sharps devices: systematic review. HSE Books, 2012. (RR914)

BESWICK, A., EVANS, G. Evidence based literature review: evidence for exposure and harmful effects of diathermy plumes (surgical smoke). HSE Books, 2012. (RR922)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: bladder cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR865)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: cancer of the brain and central nervous system. HSE Books, 2012. (RR851)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: leukaemia. HSE Books, 2012. (RR856)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: lung cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR858)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: lymphohaematopoietic cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR859)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: multiple myeloma. HSE Books, 2012. (RR867)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. HSE Books, 2012. (RR864)

BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: soft tissue sarcoma. HSE Books, 2012. (RR934)

BURRELL, G., JAGGER, S., JOHNSON, D. Preliminary fire testing of composite offshore pedestrian gratings. HSE Books, 2012. (RR950)

BUTLER, C., HEALEY, N., SUGDEN, C. Safety performance indicators in the explosives sector: development of a worked example. HSE Books, 2012. (RR909)

DARBY, A., HUNWIN, G. Optimisation of the Mechanical Slip Resistance Test for Footwear used in EN ISO 13287:2007 - follow on study. HSE Books, 2012. (RR951)

DAY, N. Load security on double-deck trailers. HSE books, 2012. (RR924)

EECKELAERT, L., DHONDT, S., OEIJ, P., POT, F., NICOLESCU, G.I., TRIFU, A., WEBSTER, J. Review of workplace innovation and its relation with occupational safety and health. European Agency for Safety and Health a Work, 2012.

HARDING, A.H., FROST, G., MASON, H., TAN, E., TSUCHIYA, A., WARREN, N. Quantifying the links between environmental noise related hypertension and health effects. Published on the DEFRA website:

HEALEY, N., SUGDEN, C. Safety culture on the Olympic Park. HSE Books, 2012. (RR942)

HEMINGWAY, M.A., WALSH, P.T. Mine fire detector: combined smoke and NOx/CO sensors. HSE Books, 2012. (RR918)

HUNTER, L., WYNN, T. An investigation into mechanical aids and automation for reducing the risks of repetitive handling tasks involving the upper limbs. HSE Books, 2012. (RR939)

HUNWIN, G. Study of the suitability of Slider 55 rubber for use as a standardised slider material for the simulation of barefoot pedestrians. HSE Books, 2012. (RR940)

ISHERWOOD, R., RICHARDSON, R. The effect of wind loading on the jib of a luffing tower crane. HSE Books, 2012. (RR917)

JONES, K. Investigation of techniques to discriminate between TDI and TDA exposures in biological samples. HSE Books, 2012 (RR947)

LEKKA, C., HEALEY, N. A review of the literature on effective leadership behaviours for safety. HSE Books, 2012. (RR952)

MASON, H. Uptake and quality of health surveillance for hand-arm vibration and noise exposure: a telephone based survey among dutyholders. HSE Books, 2012. (RR948)

PENGELLY, I., JOHNSON, P. Investigation of relationship between saturated vapour concentration and real exposure to vapour. HSE Books, 2012. (RR923)

POCOCK, D. On-tool controls to reduce exposure to respirable dusts in the construction industry - a review. HSE Books, 2012. (RR926)

RUSHTON, L., BAGGA, S., BEVAN, R., BROWN, T., CHERRIE, J., HOLMES, P., FORTUNATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., SLACK, R., TONGEREREN, M. Van, YOUNG, C., EVANS, G.S. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: overview report. HSE Books, 2012. (RR931)

SENIOR, H., EVANS, G. BAILEY, C. Survival of legionella pneumophila in metalworking fluids. HSE Books, 2012. (RR910)

WHITE, J., JOHNSON, P., PENGELLY, I. Development of analytical methods for low molecular weight isocyanates in workplace air. Part 2 - isocyanic acid and methyl isocyanate. HSE Books, 2012. (RR943)

WILDAY, J., PETRIE, C. Potential for leaks of LPG from underground pipes into caravans and park homes. HSE Books, 2012. (RR945)

WILDAY, J. LISBONA, D. Risk assessment for VCE scenario in an aerosol warehouse. HSE Books, 2012. (RR916)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: bone cancer and thyroid cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR850)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: cervical cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR853)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: melanoma. HSE Books, 2012. (RR860)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: non-melanoma skin cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR928)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: oesophageal cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR929)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: ovarian cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR930)

YOUNG, C., CHERRIE, J., TONGEREN, M. Van, FORTINATO, L., HUTCHINGS, S., RUSHTON, L. The burden of occupational cancer in Great Britain: sinonasal cancer. HSE Books, 2012. (RR933)

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