Managing Risk: From Assessment to Control. Bringing your Risk Assessment to Life
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Effective risk management systems allow an organisation, large
or small, to meet its legal requirements in protecting workers
by not only identifying risk but putting in place measures to
ensure adequate risk controls. Too often risk assessment becomes a
tick-box exercise but it's vitally important that the organisation
is mindful of the risks that are identified and takes ongoing
action to monitor and manage them. This strong focus on worker
health and safety, in turn, benefits organisational
Supported by Health and Safety Matters magazine, the Health and
Safety Executive ran this free webinar to
organisations looking to understand and control different types of
risks in their workplaces. This webinar
featured a panel of experts from HSE including
HM Health and Safety Inspectors, and a representative
from NEBOSH who discussed current
guidance and principles in tackling risk. We
took questions during the webinar and
highlighted resources, products and services that can help you
build a successful risk management programme that protects
employees from harm.
Speaker and Summary
Webinar start
Mark Sennett, Managing Editor of Health and Safety Matters
magazine will welcome us to this unique webinar.
Introduction to the panellists
Matt Birtles, Principal Ergonomics and Human Factors Consultant,
Health and Safety Executive, will introduce the panellists and
their expert specialisms.
Principles of Risk Management
Kim Ross, HM Inspector of Health and Safety, Health and Safety
Executive, talks through reasons for managing health and safety
risks; the straight-forward steps organisations should take to
effectively manage risk; and the importance of taking ongoing
action to monitor and manage identified risks.
A common sense approach to risk management
Ron Macbeth, Risk Assessment Technical Lead, Health and Safety
Executive, will outline some fundamentals of risk assessment as
well as highlight some common traps to avoid when assessing risks
and identifying controls to manage those risks.
An HM Inspectors experience
Nic Rigby, HM Principal Inspector, Health and Safety Executive,
will give us insight into what Inspectors look for when visiting a
site and give us some examples of good and bad practice that he has
How the risk management principles have been used in the
development of the Training Course and app
Matt Powell-Howard, Head of Learning and Partnerships, NEBOSH,
will show us some resources and guidance that HSE have developed to
help organisations tackle Risk Control. He'll introduce the new
NEBOSH/HSE Award in Managing Risk and Risk Assessment at Work and
the new HSE SME mobile app.
Please note by registering you agree to be contacted by the
organiser (Western Business Media Limited) and the event
In the video below, HSE's Principal Ergonomics and Human Factors
Consultant Matt Birtles provides further information about the
webinar. Can't see the video? View it here.
Some of our training courses can also be delivered
in-company, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Telephone: +44 (0)203 028 3704
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