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Combustor Rig Facility

HSE's Combustor Rig is a purpose-built facility designed to provide a high pressure jet release for a range of test requirements and research. Utilising a Rolls-Royce 'Tay' combustor can, operating with either liquid or gaseous fuels (e.g. kerosene or methane), a combustion flame can be generated at very high pressures and temperatures, typically up to 70 bar and 2000 K.

We have created a set of services to help you ensure that your business is fully compliant with the regulations.


  • Burn-through testing of aircraft engine shields exceeding JAR/FAR CS25 guidance requirements.
  • Pressure, temperature and heat flux measurements of combution flame.
  • Infra-red visualisation, imaging and temperature measurement.
  • Engine testing under hypersonic flight conditions.
  • Validation of mathematical models in the field of jet combustion.
  • Source of hot, high velocity air for research purposes.
  • Source of compressed air up to 207 bar.


  • Nozzle diameter: 25.4mm.
  • Chamber pressure: up to 70 bar.
  • Air mass flow rate: up to 2kg/s.
  • Air reservoir: 4m3 volume up to 207 bar.
  • Fuel: kerosene or methane.
  • Run time up to 10 minutes (depending upon test conditions).
  • Remote control of air and fuel mass flow rate via dedicated computer software.
  • Remotely operated sample positioning system for insertion/removal.

Contact us to discuss your Combustor Rig testing requirements

If you'd like more information about the Combuster Rig facility or would like to discuss your requirements in detail, please contact: Nigel Moss on +44 (0)203 028 2133 or email

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